Our Services

At Peace Haven we minister to pastors and missionaries in a variety of ways, depending on the need. In the best of circumstances we are able to equip and encourage pastors prior to them entering crisis mode. In the midst of crisis we come along side pastors with care and encouragement. Finally, as they re-engage in ministry we support pastors in the long post-crisis journey.

A Place to Get Away

Pastors and missionaries who come to us are often broken and fragile, sometimes from the challenges of ministry and sometimes from strained marital and/or family relationships. They often are in need of a place where they can relax and unwind away from the everyday stresses of life and ministry. At Peace Haven you will find a quiet and safe place to mend your soul and restore your relationships. Both of our locations are tucked away in quiet and peaceful settings, away from all the voices, distractions and stresses of life. Most of our guests stay for a week. During that time couples and families are able to reconnect with each other and with God.


Coaching typically occurs during times of pre-crisis or post crisis. A coach provides the tools and encouragement to help pastors get from where they are to where God wants them to be. Compared to counseling, these coaching relationships are typically more long-term. In addition, they are usually long distance, with coaching conversations occurring either by phone, email or video conferencing.


Let the darkness find you if it must. Throw off the quick and tempting escapes, and seek help only from those who would teach you to grow, feed your soul, embrace your heart, but would not steal away your journey.
— Jennifer DeLucy



While some of our guests just need a place to be refreshed, often times they are also in need of individual, marital or family  counseling. During their stay at Peace Haven we provide our guests with the opportunity to meet with a counselor for one or more sessions. Each of our counselors are experienced in doing short-term counseling with pastors. When more extensive counseling is needed, our counselors can provide referrals with qualified counselors more conveniently located within the pastor's home community. 

Midweek Retreats

Occasionally Peace Haven will offer couple's retreats at one of our properties. These retreats bring together 3-4 pastor couples for the opportunity to relax, connect with other pastors, and engage in conversation around a relevant topic. Typically the retreats are for two nights, usually Tuesday-Thursday.


Peace Haven has hosted several conferences for retired pastors. These conferences are off site, at various conference centers across the country. They are for the purpose of honoring and providing encouragement to retired pastors and missionaries. In addition, the retreats provide retired pastors with an opportunity to either reconnect with old friends or establish new friendships.

View Our Two Locations

View Our Two Locations